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Monday, 14 July 2008

Reuters DACS check GUI Modifications

Reuters use Sybase ( Even in DACS 6) as the prefered database for storing users permissions to exchange data for RMDS5 and RMDS6.

Oftern its quicker in Sybase to run SQL queries, than wait for DACS to finish its reporting.

ASE ISQL is quite a nice tool to run from your PC ( similar to Toad)that enables you to interigate the Sybase directly ( without need for DACSUI installed)

For Example, if you want a list of the recent user permissions removed by the DACSUI from the dacs_main database ( on Reuters DACS 5.1 and above) , connect to the Sybase Database manager using the connection parameters below in your sql.ini

then run sql to see modifications
select * from user_ae where site like 'your-site' order by deactivation desc

To find who made the distribtuion changes ( assuming dacs admin user have seperate i'd that they use to make changes)

select * from load_control where site like 'your-site' order by commit_time desc

Some of these sql queries could be created into perl html scripts to display view only output in an intranet for example

Best Regards


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