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Thursday, 20 November 2008

Easy Guide to dual booting Mac OS X with Vista or XP

The new hardware from apple is ideal for anyone wanting to use the best of Microsoft and Apple on one piece of hardware

Thanks to some clever utilities called 'Boot Camp' it is very easy to install Windows Vista or XP
onto any exisiting Mac OS X Partition

Simply enter the utility and follow the instructions to create a new windows partiton and boot into the regular vista setup, then install xp or vista to the new seperate partition.

Once installed all the VGA, Ethernet, Airport and sounds drivers can be easily installed too, by inserting the regular Mac OS X DVD and runing the setup.exe.

The windows setup.exe version of 'Boot Camp' drivers, even setup apple keyboard for windows too.

The whole process took us under 45 mins to complete, when using Macos 10.5 and Vista Business edition, without any loss of data to the Mac partition and full hardware compatability.

Only downside we have seen is that some recent Microsoft updates trashed out first attempt, rendering Vista unbootable and unrepairable. So its probably best to backup the Windows partition before installed any Microsoft Service packs, especially on Vista.

So far though, weve been very impressed with this cool utility which gives a new Apple user a real value for money experience and easy acessability to their old Windows files and applications


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